Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tobias is 13 months old

Wow, this month has certainly sped by – maybe facilitated by the energy of our little Tobias. Yes, he’s on-the-move all right! He has taken those first wobbly steps and seems to gain in confidence every day, but when it comes down to it, he’d much rather use his speed-crawl. At this point it’s much faster. Toby is using his speed and ability to “pop” up into standing

to “explore”, surprise, surprise. ☺ He's into

and on top of

everything. Top on his list of things to do: unraveling the toilet paper roll, splashing in the toilet, and removing items from the trash can. His favorite little game is to climb, then throw himself on stacks of cushions, pillows, or bean bags. He also enjoys spinning around in circles on his bottom. He thinks it's hilarious.

Despite all of this movement, right after his birthday party, Toby was slowed down a bit by what I think was roseola. He had a high fever for 4 days followed by a rash. He did a lot of crying and a lot of sleeping.

He even lounged to watch tv (certainly not something he will slow down for on a regular basis).

Just looking into these eyes made mommy sad…

We’re so thankful he’s back in business now!

Tobias enjoys anything his sister does. And she's enjoying him more as a "playmate" now which is so adorable. She does still treat him like a "doll" and thankfully, he obliges...sometimes. After family dinner at Mimi & Gpa's she was having fun with bubbles and decided to "wash Toby's hair".

He must have thought Blooper wanted to go shopping. (and, yes, we do let him run around in a diaper most of the time. :)

Tobes is really starting to make his desires known by pointing.

In the morning, as soon as I lift him out of the crib he gives me a little hug then points to the stairs and says, “down”. As I walk past the fridge he says, “juice” (which means any cup or drink). He’ll also declare, “all done” when he’s ready to get down from his chair at meal times. Speaking of meals, Tobias FINALLY decided that he was interested in what was on our plates. He now eats primarily table food with baby food to supplement (when he decides to feed the dog or deposit his food on the floor). He is definitely a carnivore proven by stuffing his face with steak and pork chops. He also will eat fruits and breads and is gradually trying more finger foods.

Tobias is using his volume to express his disapproval of events as well, particularly if an item is removed from his hand or proximity. This causes a bit of an issue when his big sister decides she wants whatever he is playing with or eating. I definitely think the amount of shrieking in protest has increased this month. Screaming has been an integral part of Tobias’ life from the beginning so I guess I can’t expect it to vanish now, I just hoped as his vocabulary and ability to communicate increases that would decrease... A friend described Toby as “sensitive” and I honestly can’t think of a better word.

His sensitivity does lead to some sweetness like blowing kisses, kissing faces, giving big hugs, cuddling on laps, and snuggling his head on shoulders. Oh, we how love you Tobes!